Dear Representatives, dear Colleagues, dear Friends
The circumstances of the past year raised many challenges for us all and we had to make a number of decisions about issues that had not been expected, which were not always easy.
This has also affected the planning of our Congress. With your great support, we managed to postpone it by one year, which was an excellent decision in hindsight. At the last General Assembly, we also agreed to move the venue of the Congress to the centre of Europe to make it easier for those who want to attend locally. In addition, we plan to make the Congress accessible online. We have taken these first organisational steps over the past months and would now like to inform you regularly about the ongoing processes concerning the Congress.
On behalf of the Congress Task Force, I am very proud to present Austria as the new host country for our ESLA Congress.
Congress venue: Heffterhof, Salzburg
The congress venue only allows a certain maximum number of participants. Online access is of course unlimited.
Registration will be possible following the completion of our own congress website in Spring 2021. If you would like to reserve your place for local participation in Austria now, you are very welcome to follow this link:
As soon as registration is possible, individuals who have “pre-registered” will be able to register on a priority basis. There is no charge to register you interest on this priority list.
The Congress TF team is also working on the content of the programme in parallel with the organisation. As always, we very much welcome your input.
Please feel free to contact the Head of our Scientific Committee, Mark Jayes:
As head of the Congress Task Force, I would be very happy to receive any suggestions from you about the Congress.
You are very welcome to contact me at any time to make your suggestions.
We would like to keep you informed about the ongoing progress of planning the Congress in a regular newsletter and take you with us on this exciting Congress journey.
Heike Münch
On behalf of the Congress Task Force