Dato: 03-03-2024 - Tilmeldingsfrist: 03-03-2024
Rethinking is always a challenge. That's why we want to give students from Australia, New Zealand and India and professionals from countries on different continents where hearing and audiology care is not yet as established as in high-income countries an opportunity to share at our virtual event. We also want members of the Audiology Committee of the IALP and the Hearing & Language Committee of the UEP to have their say and show how we imagine "Change Mindsets" from the colorful diversity of our community.
Changing Mindsets in Ear and Hearing Care – Perspective of Audiology Students (1 hour)
Moderator: Prof Mridula Sharma, Flinders University with Prof Vidya Ramkumar and Dr Traci Flynn
Current Masters of Audiology Students from New Zealand (University of Auckland and Canterbury), Australia (Macquarie University, Flinders University, University of Queensland), India (Mahipal University and Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education)
Session Perspectives on Changing Mindsets in Ear and Hearing Care from several countries (2 hours)
Moderator: Prof Katrin Neumann, Germany
Video Glimpses (30 minutes) from
Concluding remark (30 minutes)
Audiology in times of war. Under what circumstances is it possible and what are the contents? – Prof Tetiana Shydlovska, Ukraine
We cordially invite all interested parties to our virtual event for World Hearing Day 2024. Share the diversity of perspectives with us!
All recordings will be available on March 3rd, 2024 on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX51qxN9Bu0oNti3qo5lT1g