Dato: 04-10-2023 - Tilmeldingsfrist: 27-09-2023
På grund af stor interesse for webinaret om DLD d.14.6. har vi et ekstra webinar d. 4.10. fra kl. 09-15 med Susan Ebbels og Sue Marr. Hvis du ikke kan deltage d. 14.6., er der nu mulighed for at melde sig til webinaret d. 4.10.
Glæd dig til et spændende webinar om bl.a. samarbejdet mellem logopæder og lærere ift. indsatser til børn med DLD. Bemærk webinaret er på engelsk.
Webinaret er gratis for medlemmer af ALF. Ikke-medlemmer 2000 kr.
Der er plads til 70 deltagere.
Der sendes link til zoom dagen før webinaret.
Spørgsmål kan rettes til: formand@alf.dk
Indhold af webinaret
Evidence based practice for improving language and access to the curriculum in children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).
Presented by Dr Susan Ebbels (Speech and Language Therapist and Researcher) and Sue Marr (Specialist Teacher)
Susan (SLT) will first present an overview of the current evidence base for intervention in the areas of grammar, narrative and vocabulary. She will summarise the latest research studies, drawing out key messages about the most impactful techniques. She will discuss how Speech and Language Therapists could increase the efficiency of their practice by incorporating more of these techniques and focusing on appropriate dosage. We will consider the range of delivery options to achieve this, including collaborative work with teachers and parents.
Sue (specialist teacher) will follow up by introducing strategies that teachers can use in the classroom for developing the language skills of pupils with DLD. She will also examine the impact of DLD on accessing the curriculum, with a particular focus on Maths and Science. Sue will discuss the principles and techniques that teachers can draw upon to maximise their students’ learning, understanding of the curriculum and ability to express their ideas within the classroom.
Susan Ebbels og Sue Marr
1 dag
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