32nd World Congress of the IALP


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Join us in 2023 for the 32nd World Congress of the IALP | 20 – 24 August | Auckland, New Zealand
Congress Theme: Together Towards Tomorrow


We are delighted to announce that the IALP 2023 registration is now open.

Along with the congress registration you can book your social events and tours.
Visit the congress website www.ialpauckland2023.org for further details.

For any queries or assistance about registration, social events and tours, contact registration@ialpauckland2023.org.

For any queries or assistance about accommodation, contact ialp@theconferencecompany.com.

Do not miss the abstract deadline and submit your abstract today. Abstract deadline is 16th December 2022.

Remember to get social | Get connected with our community.

Make sure you are following us on social media. Help to spread the word of this global gathering, like, share or retweet!