Er du logopæd og taler flere sprog? Netværk i Holland vil gerne høre fra dig.

ALFs bestyrelse har modtaget en henvendelse fra Holland, som er i gang med at ave en oversigt over logopæder, der taler flere sprog, så klienter/brugere/kunder… folk, der har brug for os, kan finde en logopæd, som taler deres modersmål.

Eftersom vi jo ikke har nogle form for register i Danmark har vi tilbudt dem, at formidle deres kontaktinformationer og vil opfordre jer, til at skrive til dem. 
Når oversigten er tilgængelig, vil der komme et link til den, her på hjemmesiden.




Dear Sir/Madame

We from the Speech Therapy Leiden clinic work with an extensive population of multilingual children from international schools and we would like to create a file with all the multilingual speech therapists worldwide to be able to refer the parents once they move to work around the world.

Our clinic works in collaboration with many international schools all over the Netherlands and we would like to be able to refer the parents properly to therapists around the world for children from multilingual environments, so that they can continue their Speech therapy needs. 

This information would allow us to communicate and share important information about our profession. 

If you choose to join us pelse fill in the permission form and send it to us.

Kind regards,

Litsa Garibaldinou and Tineke van Driel

Speech and Language Therapists
Speech Therapy Leiden
Healthcenter Merenwijk
Rosmolen 2, 2317SJ Leiden 
the Netherlands